Logistic Chain Supply
- Provide a single point of contact for handling any kind of cargo during port calls in all Egyptian ports.
- Update all port in formation–including line ups/local formalities & restrictions.
- Ensure Receiver’s agents are not overcharging Owners on individual DA line items.
- Negotiate the agency fee with Charterer’s and / or Receiver’s nominated local agent.
- Provide the Owner with a single bank account for remittances to all ports, control the disbursement of PDA funds, expedite FDAs and provide monthly statements.
- Smooth coordination of all vessels’ inward and outward clearances –including arranging tugs, pilots, berths, etc.
- Monitor the readiness of all documents, including OBL’s and DO’s before ship’s arrival.
- Reportingtwicedailyonvesseloperationsandpromptupdatingofabnormalsituations.
- Prompt reporting and handling of all stevedore damages.
- Obtain the draft SOF for review and confirmation prior to the SOF being presented to the Master for signing.
- Coordination of bunkers, fresh water and/or husbandry matters.
- Our team consists 100% of local staff to facilitate the communication process with the terminal, local vendors, stevedores and all parties concerned.
- Our operations staff are trained to have a proactive and forward thinking approach to ensure potential problems are anticipated and then to propose alternative options to the Owner.